Philosophy and Goals
The parents, administration, faculty and staff of Our Lady of Grace Catholic School believe that:
- Each child is a member of the family of God, created in His image, and therefore, is a unique individual of great dignity and worth. He/She is called and entitled to develop to the fullest potential of his/her spiritual, moral, intellectual and physical endowments.
- The most important parts of the development of each person are growth in love and respect for God and His creation, including self, others, and nature, and for Christian standards of morality and conduct.
- Education best takes place in the environment of a Christ-centered community that reflects the ideals of the gospel, and where religious truths and values are integrated with the rest of life.
- Parents, as the primary educators, and teachers, as the facilitators of learning, have a special calling to be ministers of Christ’s message to the children entrusted to their care. Therefore, they bear witness to and worship Christ, the Divine Teacher, in their daily living.
With these principles in mind, this Catholic school community is committed to the following goals:
- To build among the children, parents and members of the faculty a vibrant faith community, where the dignity and worth of each individual as a child of God is recognized and valued, and where a spirit of mutual respect, trust, and cooperation, openness, and joy in Christian living prevails.
- To help the students grow in knowledge, understanding, love and imitation of Jesus Christ by presenting to them the good news of salvation in a manner suitable to their age and stage of development. This is done through meaningful participation in Eucharistic liturgies, creative paraliturgies and various forms of prayer, in addition to experiences that integrate religious truths and values with daily living.
- To provide an academic program which further prepares the students for higher education and for responsible Christian citizenship in an ever-changing political, economic, technological and social world.
- To employ teaching methods and techniques that stimulate the student’s natural curiosity and creative and critical thinking; develop a positive attitude toward life-long learning; promoting problem solving, effective study skills and work habits.
- To maintain a balance among the religious, academic, social, and athletic programs so that the student maximizes his/her potential, while growing and becoming a responsible, caring, self-directed, informed, decision-making Catholic, capable of serving and transforming society.
- To foster self-discipline, accountability, and responsibility in our students by encouraging attitudes of integrity, justice, honesty, and a sensitivity to the feelings, beliefs and ideas of others.
- To help develop a spirit of patriotism and a love and respect for the ideals of democracy.
- To develop a sense of Christian leadership in our students, while encouraging them and directing them to use their abilities and talents to serve others.
- To enable the student to achieve a global perspective, an appreciation for and a respect and acceptance of various cultures, a sensitivity to the call from every part of the world for a more just society, and a commitment to pursue peace and justice among peoples and nations.
- To ensure that there is in every classroom, each day, a teacher who cares and promotes in each student a love of learning, a sense of self-worth, growth, self-esteem, and an appreciation of the individual uniqueness of each person.