
Catholic Sports League Website – Schedules

Directions to Sport Facilities

Recognition of the interdependence of all creation and acknowledgement of the responsibility it imposes on each for all, so that we may respect life in every circumstance, promote justice and peace, and appreciate the richness of our cultural diversities.

Commitment to excellence in the spiritual, moral, academic, social, cultural and physical dimensions of human development so as to prepare our youth in an integral fashion to be Catholic leaders, able to address the challenges of an ever changing world.

Transmission of our Catholic faith in all its fullness through instruction, liturgical celebrations, and the exercise of Christian service to future generations, thus helping them to grow in the understanding and love of God, of oneself and of others.

Guidance of youth to human and Christian perfection so that they may become all that God has called them to be, as individuals and as members of the church’s communion.

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