Extended Care
Families may sign up for after-school care daily, weekly, monthly, or for the entire year. The hourly rate applies to all usage of after-school extended care, according to the terms below.
Morning Session: Supervision from 6:45-7:45am, or any portion thereof. Parent/guardian will accompany student/s to the back door of the Administration Building and sign in. No reservation is required. Flat rate
Afternoon Session: Supervision from the dismissal bell until 6pm, or any portion thereof. For students arriving after OLG extracurricular sports practice or OLG-sponsored after-school programs, time begins at sign-in. Billed on quarter-hour
As a courtesy, we ask that you please cancel a reservation by e-mail or call the school office before 12pm: [email protected] | 619.466.0055
The Extended Care Director will notify the school office on Mondays regarding each family’s use of Extended Care for the previous week (Monday through Friday). Charges will be sent to the family’s FACTS Incidentals Account, and the family will be invoiced for Extended Care use each month. Late fees will be incurred as spelled out by FACTS. Enrollment is subject to termination if the account is not kept current. Students MUST be signed out in the daily log with the date and time. Charges will be billed accordingly. In the case of a missing sign-out time, charges will be billed for care until 6pm.
Parents of students who are not picked up by 6:00pm will incur late fees of $1 per minute, with a minimum charge of $15.00. There will be a fee of an additional $15 per any part of an additional quarter-hour. After two instances of late pick-ups, parents will receive a written warning that the next occurrence will result in suspension from the Extended Care Program. If the child is not picked up by 6:00 p.m., the Director will endeavor to contact persons listed on the emergency form. If the child is not picked up by 7:00 p.m., the El Cajon Police Department will be notified.